EFN Criticizes France’s Heavy-Handed Approach in Arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

Electronic Frontier Norway (EFN) is strongly concerned about the recent arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by French authorities, citing charges including failure to moderate content and the alleged use of unregistered cryptography. This heavy-handed approach is a concerning escalation in the regulation of online platforms and poses serious implications for digital rights.

Content moderation is a delicate issue that requires thoughtful consideration and collaboration, not criminalization. France's decision to arrest the head of a company over moderation challenges is a counterproductive step that fails to address the broader, more nuanced complexities of the digital landscape. Instead of fostering constructive dialogue and cooperation with platform providers, this action underscores a misguided and punitive approach to online regulation.


Particularly troubling is the charge regarding the use of unregistered cryptography: Penalizing a platform for supposed cryptographic infractions exposes a fundamental misunderstanding of technology and privacy standards. In an era where digital privacy is paramount, attempts to stifle encryption threaten both individual freedoms, human rights and global security. This accusation is furthermore misplaced but also highly ironic given that much of the communication on Telegram is not encrypted by default.


EFN urges French authorities to rethink their stance. Rather than criminalizing encryption and undermining the privacy of millions of users, governments should aim to strike a balance between safety, privacy, and free expression. This requires a measured approach, one that works alongside the tech community to enhance moderation practices without eroding fundamental digital rights.