AI Act

Artificial intelligence systems are increasingly being used in all areas of public life. However, the lack of adequate regulation poses a threat to our digital and human rights. Together with our partners at EDRi, we work to make sure the AI act protects peoples’ rights.

The European Union institutions have taken a globally-significant step with the proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act. Insofar as Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly used in all areas of public life, it is vital that the AI-Act addresses the structural, societal, political and economic impacts of the use of AI, is future-proof, and prioritises the protection of funda - mental rights and democratic values. While the AI Act is EU legislation, it will surely also be implemented in Norway.

Together with our European partners in the AI Core Group at EDRi, we called for an EU AI Act that foregrounds fundamental rights and puts people first. This must include clear and effective protections against harmful and discriminatory surveillance. The EU AI Act must guarantee a framework of accountability and transparency for the use of AI, and empower people to enforce their rights.

Currently, the AI Act is being negotiated between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council. As the EU AI Act negotiations continue, a number of controversial issues remain open. At stake are vital issues including the extent to which general purpose/foundation models are regulated, but also crucially, how far does the AI Act effectively prevent harm from the use of AI for law enforcement, migration, and national security purposes.

Support us to help us continue our advocacy in Brussels. We also plan to closely monitor the implementation of the AI Act in Norway. Your support will enable us to contribute to the national da